Saturday, March 15, 2014

Four Full Moons, not just one ... the overflowing blessings of Mahina

• The third day of the four Hawaiian full moons was believed to be the fullest moon.
Fishing is good at sea, not onshore.
• Watch for high waves. - Kohala Center

The elegant and inspired Full Moon in Virgo according to astrological calculations happens at midday tomorrow, March 16, 2014. The Hawaiian Moon Calendar includes four full moon phases to account for the subtle yet powerful influence of the brightness or darkness of the moon's reflective light. So today's moon would be Hoku, the third day of the four Hawaiian full moons believed to be the fullest. My ancestors' observations and implications for a sustaining and reciprocal (give and take) relationship between human-earth-water-ocean-sky and spirit accounted for the keen attending to nuance. The gift of the present moment was life. Simple. Isn't it? With so many demands on a human beings attention, the daily or nightly watching or attending to the moon doesn't show up on many do-lists. I overheard a man talking with a clerk in our local market a few days ago. He said "And, it's the full moon. That would account for a lot of this nonsense." What preceded his comment I had no idea. It was no way near being full moon when we were in the same place in that market. It was one of the quarter moon phases (times of rest and reflection and no new projects). But, it makes no never mind for whether we attend to the moon or now, the moon does attend to us. Perhaps the man was having a frustrated moment, a bad day and was picking on the full moon.

In connection to the creative nature of being alive, the cycle of birthing -- bringing a seed through the process of development in the dark womb, nurturing in the protective sea is reflected in the regular cycles of reflected light from our companion moon, Earth's one moon. What I have been doing with the writing and sharing of The Joy Weed Journal is to align myself and the a story with the natural, painful and joyous process of a natural birth. Through the birth canal, the medicine of creating prepares this story-creation for life on Earth. The process of bringing a baby: an egg, a calf, kitten, lamb or human involves pain and the igniting of emotions, hormones, receptors and memories of birthing as Woman has always known. It IS the great mystery, and the great gift. 
The medicine, magic and mystery in the stories I write gives birth to my power. Long in coming, these stories and this medicine chants the chants of formlessness. Time? Timeless. The feedback I have received over the last two moon cycles have been the mid-wife I needed. The Universe, The Goddess, my ancestors celebrate the birth and I give thanks to all our readers and audience members for their invaluable part in the delivery.
Difficult, multiple meanings, ethereal, laced with tangents, inspiring, whimsical, possibly confusing? Yes, all of that. Life is like that!
The last segment-entry of the medicine story The Joy Weed Journal pushes through that metaphoric birth canal on this Hoku Moon. Tomorrow you can meet it/read it here. 

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